“Move towards greener pastures”.After all green is the only colour which will drive the textile industry in the near future.
In an effort to contribute to the cause of making the entire textile value-chain greener, Fibre2fashion - the world’s largest global textile, apparel and fashion industry
B2B portal is launching an Impact Feature on 'Latest Issues and Innovations in Textile Sustainability'.
The challenge to make
textile processes sustainable is becoming a pressing reality. An enlightened few have already adopted sustainable means of production, but the rest too need to pick up the challenge of making their processes environmentally friendly.
Globally acclaimed apparel retailers, pushed by various non-governmental agencies like Greenpeace and environmentally-conscious customers have already started the process of walking the talk and are re-looking in to their supply chain processes to make it greener.
A study conducted by University of Missouri researchers reveals that, consumers are willing to pay 15-20 percent more for products produced by sustainable measures. This could prove to one good very reason for companies across the textile-value chain to adopt sustainable initiatives.
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Campaign on sustainability in textiles from Fibre2fashion